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隱世神秘品牌 長(zhǎng)笛神器ANDERS MOONEY安德斯.慕尼

作者: 編輯 來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-11-08


  Hidden mysterious brand Flute artifact ANDERS MOONEY

  At present, the world's famous high-end flute brands are inseparable from those few. Yamaha, Muramatsu, Sanko, Powell, etc., Yamaha wins with stable quality, Muramatsu is a Japanese handmade brand that has been popular in recent years. Sanko, Powell, etc. are all excellent instruments that many musicians choose.

  But today, I want to introduce you to Anders Mooney, a brand produced by a 70-year-old flute studio. Since the brand is not public, it has not been advertised for decades. Therefore, it is difficult for general users to know the history of the brand. However, the brand is known as the world-class instrument of the most professional flutists, musicians and collectors in the world. The reason is that the brand's musical instruments were all tailor-made before 1981, all of which required the performers to visit Austria's studios. The handcrafted flute, which is the master of the handmade flute master Anders Mooney, has only 500 flutes in the world.

  隱世神秘品牌? ? 長(zhǎng)笛神器ANDERS ? MOONEY 安德 斯.慕尼


  但今天要為大家介紹的,是一家七十年歷史的長(zhǎng)笛工作室生產(chǎn)的品牌Anders Mooney。由於品牌不公開(kāi),過(guò)往數(shù)十年從未宣傳,因此在一般用家很難得知這品牌的歷史。但品牌在國(guó)際最專業(yè)的長(zhǎng)笛演奏家、樂(lè)手、收藏家群中,被譽(yù)為可遇不可求的神級(jí)樂(lè)器。原因是一個(gè),品牌的樂(lè)器在1981年前,全部是需要演奏家親身拜訪奧地利的工作室,度身訂造。真正出自製笛大師Anders Mooney巧手的手工長(zhǎng)笛,全球只有500把。


  Anders Mooney, the Grand Master of flute maker

  ANDERS MOONEY, born in Munich, Germany in 1910, studied flute since childhood. He studied flute manufacturing at the age of 20, and mastered the production of modern Boehm flute with the successor of Boehm. In 1950, he founded a personal flute studio in Salzburg, Austria. Since the establishment of the studio, it has been insisting on limited handcraft production, with an average annual output of no more than 20. Many famous flute players ask for the flute from Mooney’s studio.

  In the fall of 1981, Anders Mooney officially retired after completing the fifth hundred flutes. The studio was then handed over to two apprentices. In 1989, Anders Mooney died at the age of 79. After the death of Anders Mooney, the five flutes he made before his retirement were sold at a high price.

  An ders Mooney? 製笛界的干將

  ANDERS MOONEY,1910年生於德國(guó)慕尼黑,自幼習(xí)長(zhǎng)笛,20歲起學(xué)習(xí)長(zhǎng)笛製造工藝,師隨長(zhǎng)笛製作大師波姆傳人學(xué)習(xí)現(xiàn)代波姆式長(zhǎng)笛製作。於1950年於奧地利薩爾斯堡創(chuàng)立個(gè)人手工長(zhǎng)笛工作室。工作室創(chuàng)立以來(lái),一直堅(jiān)持手工限量製作,年均產(chǎn)量不多於20把。不少著名長(zhǎng)笛演奏家冒名而來(lái)訂製長(zhǎng)笛。

  1981年秋,Anders Mooney完成第五百支長(zhǎng)笛後正式退休,工作室正式交由兩名徒弟管理,1989年Anders Mooney逝世,終年79歲。Anders Mooney離世後,他退休前製作之5支長(zhǎng)笛以天價(jià)出售。

  Legendary artifact

  Anders Mooney's flute is circulated in the world's most high-end performance group. Its sound is warm and not harsh. It has a unique charm that appeals to the performers and listeners.

  Since the performers newly created the flute made before 1977 (No. 440), he has never seen him in any market. Therefore, it is known as the legendary artifact. Moreover, there are not many performers and collectors who can visit the studio in person, and the flute of Anders Mooney becomes a legend that cannot be met.

  After 1977 (No. 441-494), his son and apprentice assisted in processing custom orders, and Anders Mooney had more time to study different configurations and techniques to produce his own masterpieces. The craftsmanship of the work reached its peak. Between 1977 and 1980, these works were based on Anders Mooney's personal, professional adjustment production experience, combined with the crystallization of the top flutist's customized data for many years, the standardized works produced, and how the instrument was suddenly played by the performer. Then collectors absorbed and disappeared into the market.


  Anders Mooney的長(zhǎng)笛在世界最高端的演奏群中流傳,其音色通透溫暖不刺耳,同時(shí)帶有一種獨(dú)特的攝人魅力,深深吸引演奏者及聽(tīng)眾。

  由於在1977年(編號(hào)440)前製作之長(zhǎng)笛,均為演奏者席新訂造,因此從未在任何市場(chǎng)見(jiàn)過(guò)他的蹤影,所以被譽(yù)為是傳說(shuō)中的神器。而且能親身拜訪工作室的演奏家及收藏家不多,更令A(yù)nders Mooney 的長(zhǎng)笛成為可遇不可求的傳奇。

  於1977年(編號(hào)441-494)後,其兒子及徒弟協(xié)助處理訂製訂單,Anders Mooney有更多時(shí)間研究不同配置及技術(shù),製作屬於自己的大師級(jí)作品。作品工藝技術(shù)達(dá)至個(gè)人巔峰。在1977年至1980年間這五十多把作品,是按Anders Mooney的個(gè)人專業(yè)調(diào)整製作經(jīng)驗(yàn),結(jié)合多年來(lái)頂級(jí)長(zhǎng)笛演奏家訂製數(shù)據(jù)的結(jié)晶,製作出來(lái)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化作品,樂(lè)器一下子就被演奏家及收藏家吸納,消失於市場(chǎng)之中。

  The legendary five flutes carry out the international brand road

  In 1980, Anders Mooney felt that his son and his apprentice had done their best to pass the test. The studio was handed over to the management of the two and he decided to retire. Before the retirement, he produced six (numbered 495-500) flutes and completed the 500 flutes he made in Anders Mooney's studio, ending his whistle-making career.

  Six flutes have been kept in the studio until Anders Mooney died in 1989. Many collectors continued to find the final work of the studio's singer Anders Mooney. Anders Mooney's son lost to the collectors' enthusiasm in 1989. At the end of the year, the five flutes numbered 495-499 and were sold at the studio, and at a high price. It suddenly became a hot topic. Among them, 498 and 499, two gold flutes were rumored to be worth more than US$500,000. The brand received huge sums of money so that his son and the apprentice had the idea of promoting the brand to encourage development. So, he set up an office in the capital, Vienna, to promote Anders Mooney's crafts around the world, maintaining the custom flute of Anders Mooney studio and developed the brand ANDERS produced in the mass production process. The flute numbered 500 has been kept in the Salzburg studio and is occasionally loaned to different exhibition halls.



  傳奇的五把長(zhǎng)笛 開(kāi)展國(guó)際品牌之路

  1980年,Anders Mooney覺(jué)得其兒子及徙弟兩人已盡得其真?zhèn)?,放心將工作室全?quán)交由兩人管理,決定退休。退休前製作出六把(編號(hào)495-500)長(zhǎng)笛,完滿完成他在Anders Mooney工作室內(nèi)製作的500把長(zhǎng)笛,為其製笛生涯劃上完滿的句號(hào)。

  六把長(zhǎng)笛一直收藏於工作室,直至Anders Mooney於1989年逝世後,大批收藏家不斷踴到工作室希望收購(gòu)製笛大師Anders Mooney的最後作品,Anders Mooney兒子不敵收藏家們的熱誠(chéng),1989年年底將編號(hào)495-499五把長(zhǎng)笛於工作室競(jìng)價(jià)出售,最後以天價(jià)成交,成為一時(shí)熱話,當(dāng)中498及499兩把黃金製的長(zhǎng)笛,傳聞當(dāng)時(shí)成交金額超過(guò)五十萬(wàn)美元。品牌獲得巨額資金,令其兒子及徙弟兩人有著將品牌大力推動(dòng)發(fā)展的念頭,於是在首都維也納成立辦公室,將Anders Mooney的工藝推廣至世界各地,維持Anders Mooney工作室訂製手工長(zhǎng)笛的同時(shí),開(kāi)發(fā)了以量產(chǎn)工藝製作的品牌ANDERS。而編號(hào)500的長(zhǎng)笛就一直保存於薩爾斯堡的工作室內(nèi),並偶爾借予不同展覽館作展示,以紀(jì)念及專崇這位傳奇的長(zhǎng)笛製作大師。

上一篇:Anders Mooney - Saxophone boutique recommended
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